Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Damien Hurst: More money, more problems


Damien Hurst, the worlds wealthiest living artist talks about his art and why it doesn't matter if he makes it or not.

"People have always said things like that, and no matter how many times I answer the question people will always go but you didn't make it," he says.
"(It's my work) only in the same way that a Frank Gehry can be described as a Frank Gehry house. I'm sure that Mrs. Prada doesn't make the jackets either, but we all call them Prada and are happy to buy them. And maybe if you bought one that was actually made by Mrs. Prada we might not like it as much."

1 comment:

  1. Is this supposed to be a deep thought by one of our time's leading artists? Sounds more like Jack Handy. please.
